Lie Detector

How Polygraph Test Works

Hiring A Company to Set Up A Lie Detector Test


Hiring A Company to Set Up A Lie Detector Test


Lie detectors are tests that work by measuring heart rate, respiration, blood flow and blood pressure. They are controversial, but they can also be beneficial. There are several reasons that you should hire a company to conduct a lie detector test.


Determine if Your Partner Is Lying


Most of us know what it is like to have an unfaithful partner. If you have had the feeling that your partner has been cheating, then it is a good idea to have them to take a lie detector test. You will be able to determine whether you should end the relationship or move forward with the person.


Determine If Someone Is Guilty or Innocent


One of the problems with the modern judicial system is that innocent people are sometimes sent to jail while guilty people are often set free. One of the things that can be done to prevent this from happening is to have the person to take a lie detector test.


Extremely Accurate


Many people are concerned about the accuracy of lie detector tests. They may argue that if someone is anxious, then they may fail the lie detector test even if they are telling the truth. They may also argue that if someone is calm, then they may pass the lie detector test even if they are lying.


However, lie detector tests have been shown to be very accurate. In fact, these tests are over 90 percent accurate. Lie detector tests can also determine the difference between being nervous and lying.



Things to Consider Before Hiring a Company to Set Up a Lie Detector Test


Most people think of lie detector tests as something the police use to see if a suspect in a crime is telling the truth, but lie detector tests are used in government and private industry for a number of reasons. If you are considering hiring a company to set up a lie detector test for your company, here are some things you should take into consideration.

Is the company licensed?

Giving a polygraph test is part science and part art. The machine cannot actually tell if someone is lying; it only measures physiological responses to the test to make a prediction. It takes a trained polygraph examiner to interpret the results and give a solid recommendation. That's why it's important to hire a trained and licensed polygraph technician so you get good reliable results.

Are you looking for a specific thing or just fishing?

It can help your polygraph examiner to know what you are seeking, which will guide how he or she sets up the test. For example, is this just a general screening of potential employees or are you trying to root out a potential act of corporate espionage.

What will you do with the information?

It's also helpful for your polygraph examiner to know what you plan to do with the information. Will it be used to terminate someone or turn them over to the authorities, for instance? This information also can play a role in how the test is constructed.

Polygraph testing can be a valuable tool for businesses, but you should take these issues under consideration before giving one to your employees.